Our viticulture was founded by the ancestor of our family, Lőrinc Fontányi at the end of the 1925s. We are brothers – József and Ottó – born and raised here in the Villány Wine Region, which is the southernmost wine region of Hungary.
We, the Fontányi brothers, can be proud in every respect that we have been able to put in service the viticulture, winery, wine-making and all aspects of the wine’s artistic representation in order to truly express our passion for wine production.
In addition to traditional technologies, we combine the art of wine making with innovative elements. The combination of these two harmoniously complement each other and provide an opportunity to produce the pure, quality wines of the species at all times.
From 2000 József Fontányi, the elder brother, shared his knowledge and passion of the wine sector with his daughter, Ivett, who supervises and controls the business by ensuring the continuity of the Fontányi name in the wine sector.
Ültetvényeink Magyarország tradícióiban az egyik leggazdagabb borvidékén helyezkednek el. A kedvező éghajlati és talajadottságok lehetővé teszik, hogy mind a fehér, mind a vörösborok tekintetében gazdag fajtaválasztékot kínáljunk. Jelenleg 40 ha termő ültetvényt művelünk széles szortimenttel, kordonműveléssel.
A jó minőségű borok előállítása érdekében nagy hangsúlyt fektetünk a hagyományos kézi munkák szakszerű elvégzése mellett a modern, környezetkímélő gépi technikák alkalmazására is.
In 2017, another 7 ha of land was purchased directly next to the winery, so that a larger vineyard was reintroduced, followed by the development of the winery.
They sell their products in a broader market segment. Classicus wines are also present in bottled packs and with high quality bag in box packaging to meet everyday consumption needs.
About 2,500 hl of wine is produced each year in the form of a more light fruity white, fresh crunchy rosé and full-bodied red wines according to today’s demand.
“Grapes and wine have been connected to human existence in a cultic way for thousands of years, our job is to make the best possible out of it every year.”